The Mass Spectrometer

The Mass Spectrometer

The Mass Spectrometer (operation)

The Mass Spectrometer (analysis)

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Line Spectra

Reading the Graph

Mass Spectrometer graph
Y-axis of the graph.

The X-axis typically represents the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of the ions detected by the instrument. The Y-axis represents the relative abundance of each ion.

The peak in the graph corresponds to the ion with the highest relative abundance. Each peak to the left and right of the highest peak corresponds to a different ion, with a slightly higher or lower mass-to-charge ratio.

The height of each peak corresponds to the relative abundance of each ion. The higher the peak, the more abundant the ion. The distance between the peaks corresponds to the mass difference between the ions.

Reading and interpreting these graphs is essential for identifying the chemical composition of a sample and can provide valuable insights into the structure and behavior of molecules.

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